Granola with a blend of strawberries, blueberries, and Greek yogurt. Heart-healthy whole grain oats Blueberries, strawberries, and spices provide powerful antioxidants and minerals 28 grams of...
Savory mild chicken and yogurt curry with rice Classic Indian food that can be enjoyed anywhere Requires 1 cup (240mL) of water Contains dairy 5-year...
Venison stroganoff with mushrooms over pasta. Classic Russian flavor, except made with deer. 36 grams of protein. Sure to fuel even the most ravenous western spies. 5-year shelf...
Aromatic, delicious combination of rice noodles, beef, Chinese broccoli, basil, peppers, and green onions Classic Thai food that can be enjoyed anywhere Requires 7/8 cup...
Chef's sampler of 72 pouches of freeze-dried food, packed in 3 boxes, and ready for immediate deployment to the field. [Photo is indicative of quantity of...
Classically spiced shrimp and vegetables with rice. Loaded with shrimp, tomatoes, bell peppers, celery, and onion Our blend of herbs and spices contribute to the...
Iconic Korean stew of pork belly, kimchi, tofu, and scallions in delicious broth of anchovies, garlic and mild gochugaru pepper This might be the single...
Penne and mushrooms in a basil tomato reduction with Italian cheeses. The blend of vegetables and pasta are a great source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins...
Stew of lamb and vegetables in a classic red wine reduction. Atavistic union of meat and roots, a perfect campfire meal. 36g protein. 5-year shelf life....
A mildly spiced Southwestern stew of chicken, hominy and vegetables in a luxurious aromatic reduction. Finished with a touch of cream. Manufactured with exacting attention to...
Chopped beef steak stewed in a sauce of chiles, tomatillos, onions, garlic and herbs This Texas-style chili is loaded with 62g of protein, great for...
Japanese breakfast of rice, tofu, vegetables, and salmon in a miso broth. Wild and sustainable salmon Salmon is a nutrient-dense food, high in vitamin D...
scrambled eggs, sausage, goat cheese, sage, and black pepper Sophisticated and filling, this classic breakfast contains 33g of protein This dish is naturally ketogenic, with...
Steel-cut oats and pears in aromatic spiced coconut cream. Packed with pears and heart-healthy, whole grain steel-cut oats Coconut adds a boost to energy and the immune...
Shrimp and vegetables in an aromatic coconut curry with rice. Loaded with shrimp, mushrooms, onions, and bamboo shoots Our blend of exotic herbs and spices,...
Espresso infused pastries topped with mascarpone custard Classic desert that can be enjoyed anytime No water required Contains milk, eggs, and wheat [may contain almonds,...
Mediterranean spiced aromatic granola blended with nuts, dates, and yogurt. An array of heart-healthy grains, including hard red wheat, oats, brown rice, barley, triticale, rye,...